Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Adventure Begins

After months of planning,  we have started our latest adventure!   It seems surreal because we talked about it for so long.  Europe 2019 is going to be epic.  England, Poland,  Germany?, Czech Rep.,Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Greece, Italy, France, Germany, England (Maru and Cliff join us for car ride to Poland).  Three weeks showing them everything in N. Poland and some parts south by train.  They leave for home.  We go to Lukasz and Monika's wedding in Mojecice (where Les grew up) and hang out with his sister Dzunia.  Then we go to England and Lyme Regis where I hope to meet up with Alexia from high school, Les fishes and fishes.  Then in September, it will be time to come home to La Bocana!

But every trip starts with one step.  Here are the first steps:

We left La Bocana last Wednesday May 8th, 2019 and brought Nachito and his Mom, Laura,  along for the ride.  After raffles and plants sales and donation collecting for one whole year,  there was enough cash to buy his external hearing aid! 

This was one amazing dream come true for many,many folks who helped out!  Here he is with the new aid.

The first day in La Paz, of course I wanted to go to Doce Cuarenta coffee shop.   I love the coffee, I love the atmosphere.  Les went shopping for a rod and reel for Lyme Regis (England) and Maru and I hung out for a bit.

Yesterday was Mexican Mother's Day and Les got Maru and I flowers. Soooo pretty.  Here is my incredible bouquet.  We had Pamela and daughter Sofia for pizza (Sofia's favorite).

Which brings us to today,  Saturday

I had the Beca Blanca scholarship students over for brunch.   It was so fun and Les made his wonderful eggs and potatoes.

I had brought each student a pan de datil from BONFIL near San Ignacio,  to kill saudades  and I gave each of them a couple cans of tuna fish.

All the kids and I

 I cannot remember what was so funny, but I really like how the photo captured the moment.

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